City of Cleveland
Hopkins International Airport

These images represent some of the work I have done for the City of Cleveland and Hopkins International Airport. Referred by a friend at Vision Net who does the airport's networking, I on several ocassions provided additional graphic support in connection with press conferences and celebrations surrounding the airport's 75th birthday and the recently announced runway expansion project.

click on each image to enlarge

These banners were each 3 feet wide and over 12 feet tall!
Supplemental piece done for Burke-Lakefront airport which is also managed by PMT
Floor graphic used in center of hangar where celebration was held. The graphic was printed directly to vinyl and affixed to the hangar floor.
A graphic celebrating Cleveland Hopkins' past...
and future.

These next three graphics were used during a press conference/open house, ironically held at Burke Lakefront Airport, to announce Hopkins Airport's runway expansion plans


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