Logos and Business Cards

amnet logo and business card layout jurassic art aquatics stone mountain vision net
A business card layout and logo for a networking specialty company Logo created as a play on the Jurassic Park idea.  Looked great in print. A custom designed label for a spring water company. Another water bottle label for the same ownership. Logo and business card layout for a friend, business associate and my internet service provider

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Logo and business card designed for local online automotive magazine Business card design developed for a small home-based business with a great idea Located in Oregon, this company is in the process of developing and marketing their own line of products Business card for a printing broker located in Arizona You know you're doing something right when you get business from other graphic designers!
Note: I didn't design the logo, only enhanced it.

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infotech resources, ltd
Logo for a company specializing in disinfectant/deodorant products

Logo for a computer company.

Proposed, but rejected (sigh) design for the Compuserve forum. Logo for a local  internet service provider

Simple logo and business card layout for a consulting company

Proposed logo never used by the client A labor-for-labor job i did for a landscaper. Design for a start-up venture that never quite got off the ground -- not the logo's fault though! Design utilized by Charter One Bank. Another design done for a different division of Charter One Bank.

mellow moon waters northern ohio fence united office supply
A "quick & dirty" logo done for an associate's boyfriend. Custom designed label for start-up pasta sauce company. Very rough idea for a water bottle label that never got off the ground, but I always liked the subtlety of the image. Another series of logos started for an individual that never followed through with the designs. Clean up of an existing logo and creation of a new look business card

Design for a friend's computer company.
(Since renamed CompSource)


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